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PBHA Alumni Reunions Recap



 Dear PBHA 2018 Reunion Classes,It was so wonderful to see so many of you last week as you returned to the Phillips Brooks House for a very special reunion. Together, we reconnected with PBHA programming and supported current students by serving with Habitat for Humanity and Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and by preparing supplies for the Summer Urban Program (thank you, Class of 1993!). What's more, we reconnected with each other at receptions on Wednesday and Saturday, where we shared memories from our PBHA experiences and heard from current student leaders about what's going on at PBHA today.The students and staff at PBHA were excited to talk about preparations for this year's Summer Urban Proram (SUP), which is right around the corner! It was amazing to see current SUP directors connect with SUP alumni, some of whom were founders of PBHA's modern summer and youth programming. In another amazing moment, a few of our alumni took a special tour of Y2Y Harvard Square, PBHA's new youth shelter. These alumni, some of whom had seen the earliest days of the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, were so excited to learn about how Y2Y had tripled the number of beds dedicated to homeless young adults aged 18-24 in Greater Boston while also establishing a high standard of program quality and evaluation for PBHA.Thank you so much to those of you who made your reunion gift to PBHA! As alumni, it is critical for us to sustain the programs that meant so much to us as undergraduates by giving back. As a reminder, gifts to Phillips Brooks House Association are now eligible for Harvard class credit. You can make your gift through the Harvard gift fund "General Support of the PBHA Fund" (310-330584RG) or by visiting pbha.org/donate. Please help us to raise giving participation for our classes by making a gift today.

Give to PBHA

We also encourage you to stay involved with the PBHA Alumni Association (PBHA-A). This past year, PBHA-A restructured its governing board, which now consists of nine directors and three presidents. Elections for three open positions will be held this fall. For more information on how to get involved with PBHA-A, you can contact PBHA-A President, Danielle Goatley '14, at alumnipresident@pbha.org. We hope you enjoyed your reunion and look forward to staying in touch with you in the future! Thank you,PBHA's 2018 Reunion Host Committee

Antonetta DiGiustini '83, Jay MacLeod '83Meg Brooks Swift '93, Aretha Davis '93, Heather Lattimer '93, Tim McCarthy '93, Rachel Miselman '93, Bryan Sells '93, Katya Smyth '93, Ayanna Worthington '93Roy Bahat '98, Eric Johnson '98, Michael Ma '98, Tammy Tai '98Nancy Garland '03, Melissa Luna '03Luther Gatewood '08, Angelico Razon '08, Jill Stockwell '08Carolyn Chou '13, Anna Rowe Dennis '13, Shalini Pammal '13, Jesus Sesma '13, Andrew Vincent '13Danielle Goatley '14, PBHA-A PresidentMaria Dominguez Gray Ed. M '93, PBHA Class of 1955 Executive Director