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When I say SUP...

“…you say LOVE! SUP…”Stephen Spaloss, regional Vice President of City Year, reminded SUP staff that we are not here to “save these children,” but are here instead to provide the resources they deserve to succeed.“LOVE!”Director of Programs Robert Bridgeman’s famous call and response echoed through the SOCH auditorium this Monday as a new generation of senior counselors for PBHA’s Summer Urban Program (SUP) came together to kick off their first week of training. For the next fourteen days, senior counselors will learn classroom fundamentals, positive youth development, behavior management systems, and more.While each camp staff also takes part in camp-specific training that immerses them in the community they’ll serve this summer, SUP-wide training serves to build community across all eleven camps. After each camp performed a chant as part of SUP’s traditional “roll call,” PBHA president and full-time SUPport member Ceylon Auguste-Nelson asked the crowd, “So who won?” Counselors responded with a cacophony of program names as Ceylon nodded. “I thought so,” she said. “When everybody calls out all the camp names at the same time, all I hear is SUP.”SUP Love and excitement will carry all of our camps through the next two weeks as they prepare for the hardest summers they will ever love.