Story #24: HSHS Extends Stay to Season
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Story #24: HSHS Extends Stay to Season

In May, Harvard Square Homeless Shelter unveiled a renovation that would allow guests to stay for the entire 6-month season. The renovations include 16 sleep pods, which provide three walls of privacy, a bed, storage, and a lockable wardrobe.

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Story #21: Shaun Donovan, Coles Award Recipient
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Story #21: Shaun Donovan, Coles Award Recipient

In 2013, Shaun Donovan ’87, former Harvard Square Homeless Shelter volunteer and then-United States Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, received PBHA’s annual Phillips Brooks House Association Robert Coles “Call of Service” Award.

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Story #19: Katya Smyth
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Story #19: Katya Smyth

In November of her freshman year, Katya F. Smyth ’93 received a call from John H. Finley IV ’92 — a director at PBHA’s homeless shelter and a former high school classmate of Katya’s — asking if she could fill in an overnight shift for a volunteer who hadn’t shown up. 

From that shift onwards, Katya was “hooked.”

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