Enroll Your Child in the Summer Urban Program (SUP)

Image of two children writing on paper.


Our Programs

The Phillips Brooks House Association’s Summer Urban Program (SUP) is a collection of 12 summer programs serving youth from Boston and Cambridge.

SUP Camps: 10 summer day camps provide both academic instruction and summer recreation to 700 children between the ages of 6 and 13. (Children who turn 6 by September 1, 2024 and have completed a year of full-day Kindergarten may apply). 

SUP Camps (by Community)

Junior Leaders in Community (JLINC): This program serves 15 rising 9th graders from Boston and Cambridge. The program provides opportunities for recreation, and academic instruction three days per week. Participants serve as junior-counselor-in-training 2 days per week. Teens earn a $450 stipend for participating. Priority is given to youth who participated in SUP Camps in previous summers.    

Recent Immigrant Summer Enrichment (RISE): This program serves students from Greater Boston area high schools who are English Language Learners. Participants must be between the ages of 14-19.

What to Expect: 

  • All SUP programs run for 6 weeks (June 30 - August 7) 

  • Each camp is divided into classes of 10 campers. Classes are led by college-student "senior counselor" and a teen employee from the community, "junior counselor." 

  • Programming includes: field trips, camping, swimming, field trips, project based learning & classroom activities* [health and safety guidelines permitting].

  • Socio-emotional learning and restorative practices are the focus of all programs


  • Dates: June 30 - August 7

  • Camp hours will be from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Each Friday the hours will be 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for youth, to allow time for staff and curriculum development. RISE hours are 4:00 to 7:00 PM. 

  • Most programs have a central pick up and drop off location, but BRYE, Franklin, RYI, NAYEP and South Boston have some “bus stop” shuttle service.* [Shuttle use may incur an extra fee].

  • SUP camps cost $140 for the first child and $120 for each additional sibling. If this fee presents a challenge to you please fill out a fee waiver request form (more info coming soon). 


SUP Camper Fees 2025

Families experiencing hardships can apply directly to their child's camp directors for information on payment plans, fee reductions, and fee waivers.

Families who prefer not to pay online can mail a check or money order to:

[Camp Name]
Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA)
One Harvard Yard
Cambridge, MA 02138

Phillips Brooks House Association’s Summer Urban Program complies with M.G.L.c111, ss. 3 and 127A and is licensed by the Inspectional Services Department. 

All information is subject to change.

To apply to work at SUP, please visit pbha.org/work-at-sup