Student Spotlight: Cecilia Nunez

I am a Sophomore from San Gabriel, California thinking about concentrating in either Government and Women, Gender, and Sexuality, or History and Literature.  This year I have been involved in SWSG and ASB Mississippi. Strong Women Strong Girls is a gender empowerment focused mentoring program that works with young girls, many of whom are of color or come from low income backgrounds, to help them see their true inner strength and create self autonomy. I also participated in the Alternative Spring Break trip to Mississippi. Our trip focused on the Civil Rights Movement and the history of the fight for Civil Rights in Mississippi. IT was both educational, and service based, and we also spent a few days working in a homeless shelter. My favorite PBHA moment has been van rides with the girls in SWSG and my comentors. They are a great time for bonding and enjoying ourselves, and we often learn more about the girls on these rides than any other time. I am motivated to continue working with PBHA by the other people I see on this campus and off it who are working to create a more equal and fair world. I think that their ability to keep fighting no matter what divides exist in our country encourage me to keep working towards change as well. Public service means fighting for this change and taking what we learn about equity and justice and applying it in the real world with real people. It means to put your talents to use in a way that benefits those who truly need them and doing good work without expecting things in return.


BRYE Feature in Harvard Gazette


SUP Program Group Officer: Karina Buruca